After a rough night of working on an operating systems problem set, I submitted the following notes for my grader along with my code. With my sincerest apologies to Margo & Eddie, Dr. Seuss, and Dennis Ritchie.  

I do not like to code in C.  

I do not like it, no, not me.  

I do not like it on the stack.  

I do not like it on a Mac.  

I do not like it on the heap.  

I do not like the lack of sleep.  

I do not like it in a loop.  

I do not like it in a group.  

I do not like to code in C.  

I do not like it, no, not me.

But hey, you say, is it that bad?  

It's what your mom used, and your dad.  

It's fast and slim, low-level too!  

Accessible, for me and you!

Shut up, I say. Did you not hear?  

Perhaps I didn't make it clear:  

I do not like to code in C.  

I do not like it. No. NOT me.  

I do not care for pointer stars.  

I want my strings instead of chars.  

I do not want to malloc space  

Then free it in some other place.  

I hate behavior undefined.  

Is my compiler fucking blind?!  



I swear to god, if you abort  

I'll rip your bits out, port by port.  

I do not like to code to C.  

I do not like it, nO NOT ME!  

Wow. Ok. Are you alright?  

You're filled with quite a bit of spite.  

See, C is like a Brussels sprout:  

You chew it up, then spit it out.  

You'll never like it, but it's good.  

You did it once to prove you could.  

I'm sorry, I don't eat my greens.  

I don't get "close" to my machines.  

I'd rather drink canary pee  

Than try to exit gdb.  

And should my doubles overflow:  

I do not need you! LEAVE ME! GO!  

I don't need valgrind telling me  

of fifty-seven calls to free.  

And two debuggers, just for C?  

Hell, why not more? Let's make it three!  

I prefer real demons in my nose  

To the errors that this language throws.  

I do not like to code in C.  

I do not like it, NO. NOT. ME.  


There may be things that C is not,  

but there is one thing you forgot.  

If you would like to get a job  

Then C is what you're learning, snob.    

By Anjali and Jacob

Disclaimer: I actually did love this class and C (and still do!)